`Your Freshwater & Saltwater Community Aquarium

All about setting up and maintaining a home freshwater or saltwater aquarium.

Hypostomus Plecostomus Ok What The Heck Is That?

OK you purchased your tank and the plants even purchased the decorations for it and the heater & filter also all the accessories with other stuff to make your tank beautiful you even purchased beautiful fish but wait...did you get a Hypostomus Plecostomus?.

I know some are like what the heck is that?... well a Hypostomus Plecostomus is just a technical name for a algae eater being it eats the algae inside of the tank thus keeping the tank cleaner.
It isn't one of your prettiest fish but more like a worker fish so don't look for glamor in this fish
as it is quite ugly especially when it's stuck to the glass of your tank.

The algae eater can grow up to 18 inches room permitting the bigger the tank the bigger your algae eater will grow also the reverse can happen in smaller tanks their growth is stunted and there isn't enough algae to eat and some do die.

Not all algae eaters get 18 inches the (Bristlenose Plecostomus) reaches about 5 inches in size and is more suitable for most tanks...I advise putting only one to a tank as when they age they become more territorial and that's when fights between them are more likely to break out.

Also it is best to supply your algae eater with some algae wafers or discs and feed them at night when you have fed all your other fishes and have turned the light off for the night as they mainly are nocturnal fishes and come out and eat at night it is important to feed them at night after all other fishes have been fed because the other fishes will eat and not leave enough for them thats why the algae wafers or discs are good to have that way your algae eater won't starve to death.

Bottom line although it lacks beauty it has a beauty all of it's own and will keep your tank beautiful so I recommend getting a Algae Eater for beginning and serious Aquarium Enthusiast.
Less work maintaining your tank gives you more time to enjoy it and makes it less chore like.


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About this blog

Welcome to my new blog.

This site is something that I wanted to create for "YOU", the aquarium enthusiast. Whether you are brand new, and considering setting up your first aquarium or someone who has been into the hobby for a long time, I want to make this YOUR favorite blog site. I welcome any comments you may have as this site is being built.
I have two contributors to the page
Please give a warm welcome to Lady Holiday and Alice, Alice has had an aquarium for awhile and Me and Lady Holiday have had ours
since the beginning of 2009.
Please check back often. We will be adding new material to the blog as quickly as we can, and I hope that you will find it to be informational and that you can use it in setting up "Your Freshwater or Saltwater Community Aquarium"!


Founder of
"Your Freshwater & Saltwater Community Aquarium"
About 3 weeks ago, I successfully bred Albino Corydora Catfish.
I ended up with about a dozen babies.
The above video shows these little guys at about 2-3 weeks old.

I hope you enjoy the video!
Above is a video I created during a spawn cycle of 3 Albino Cory Catfish.
This was taken live in real time.
This process occurs a number of times until they finish.

About Us

Your Freshwater & Saltwater Community Aquarium
is bought to you by two aquarium enthusiasts from Youngstown, Ohio (Mike ) and (Lady Holiday) and (Alice) from Florida
we hope that you enjoy the site and will return.

★ Fresh Water Fish Facts ★

The Arapaima is considered by many to be the largest strictly freshwater fish in the world! The Arapaima, also known as Pirarucu, are beautiful, but they are a fish that can get up to 15 feet long and weigh as much as 440 pounds. They are fast growers, powerful swimmers, and in the wild will jump out of the water to snatch small birds from low hanging tree branches. Because of its large size this is probably not really a good choice for a home pet, but is well suited for a public aquarium
For more information on the Arapaima click below.


Special Thanks To Alice
For Designing This Picture

★ Cory Babies By Mike ★

★ Cory Fish Spawning By Mike ★

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