I recently purchased the Marineland Bio Filter 100B which is for a 20 gal tank, the reason for this purchase was that I was frustrated with my Internal Aquarium Filter.
Not only did it take up tank space I was unsatisfied with how it performed there was not enough water flow or current as some call it, and now and then I would have to add Crystal Clear to clear up the cloudy water to help it along.
Sometimes when you purchase Aquarium Kits you get stuck with a internal filter and whatever comes with it and not all that comes with it might be the best.
I've only had this filter a day or two but I notice the difference right away there is more water flow and current, it runs much more quiet then the last filter and my water is crystal clear.
kd0ar had mentioned that he had purchased the 30 gal Bio filter days before and he seemed pleased with it so
I decided to become a copycat and I'm really glad I did the fish even seem to swim more then they did before plus I really like what I read about these filters which I will include below.
The Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filters deliver easy, three-stage mechanical, chemical and biological aquarium filtration. Convenient Penguin Rite-Size Filter Cartridges come ready to use with each filter …ready to mechanically and chemically remove waste, discoloration and odors. Each contains new faster-acting Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon for maximum efficiency. Biological filtration is provided by the revolutionary and patented BIO-Wheel - proven best at removing toxic ammonia and nitrite. All BIO-Wheel filters feature Noise-Reducing Two-Piece Vented Covers, and Adjustable Mid-Level Intake Strainers.
So before you pull you hair out give it a try it might just be what you and your fish need .
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